9 Outstanding Reasons why the Schools should go for Solar Rooftops

Apart from being clean, green energy, financial gains are one of the most important criteria to go for solar in most establishments. In the case of schools, it is no different. 

But apart from savings, the schools have a distinct advantage over the other establishments when it comes to solar benefits. Let’s look at the benefits of going solar for a school: 

1. Lowers Electricity Bill every month

Low Electricity Bill

The solar panels can easily save from several lakhs to crores (depending on the electricity load) in 25 years for a school.

A medium-sized school pays from Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) to Rs. 1,00,000/- (One lac per month). Even, if  75% of the energy is saved by the solar panel, it will generate an earning of 4.50 Lakhs per annum, within a solar lifetime of 25 years the savings will be Rs. 1.12 crores without considering the inflation in the electricity bills. This isn’t a small saving.

Low Costs

2. Minimum maintenance Cost

Apart from the routine cleaning of panels, there is hardly any maintenance required for the solar panels. They have no moving parts and hence negligible wear and tear. They are noiseless and operate causing no disturbance.

School Holidays

3. Produces Energy on Holidays

The schools have holidays for one or two days each week and also vocational holidays for 15 to 30 days at least three times a year. During these periods they consume almost negligible power. The Solar energy generated during these periods can be used to offset the electricity bills

4. Schools require Peak Power during the daytime

The schools consume the peak load during the daytime when solar energy is available in abundance. The solar panels also produce energy during the daytime and hence can substantially reduce their electricity bills.

Green Earth

5. Provides Green and Clean Energy 

Today reducing Carbon Footprint has become a necessity, the IEA (International Energy Agency), has laid down the path for being Net Zero Carbon emission by 2050 to save the future generation.  Global warming is causing the glaciers to melt, sea levels to rise, wildfires, floods and landslides on one hand and an increase in drought and deserts on the other hand.

 The schools not only teach but also imbibe in them the qualities to be a better citizen, preserve scarce resources and protect the environment. Installation of solar panels gives the right signal to society and to the students coming to the school.

6. Help in keeping the class cool

The classroom becomes very hot especially during the summer seasons. This is because a lot of heat comes from the roof area. When the solar panels are installed then since the solar energy gets absorbed the temperature of the room becomes significantly lower, making the temperature pleasant.

7. Increases the life of the roofs

The constant heat and rain falling on the roof cause degradation of the roof life due to the effect called weathering effect of climate. The panels enhance the life of the roof.

8. Schools have Large Roof Areas 

The schools have large surface areas on roofs. These are ideal for solar panel installation. Solar energy is free energy, but the amount of solar energy that you can generate depends on the area available for the installation of panels. Whereas most other establishments struggle to provide space, the schools have no such challenge. 

9. Help in getting more admissions

The solar panels showcase themselves and are visible from distance. They draw attention and give the right message to society. This enables it in getting more admissions and more names for the school.

Thus as can be seen Solar can be highly beneficial for the school.

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